Thursday, August 03, 2006

Beanified penguin!

Originally uploaded by Phuazzie.


Originally uploaded by Phuazzie.

All loose ends tucked away and seam sewed. If you look carefully, I think you can see the place where I seamed... but it's not obvious, and with stretch and wear, will blend in even more.

First Finished Object (FO)!

First Finished Object (FO)!
Originally uploaded by Phuazzie.

Beanie for a friend who was going overseas. Here, the knitting is completed, but not the 'finishing' (i.e. sewing up and tidying of loose ends)

Cute Li'l Furball

Cute Li'l Furball
Originally uploaded by Phuazzie.

Cats grow up so fast. I look at this pic and I wonder... was Anakin ever this small??? Small she was, but wilder, pouncing on our moving ankles any chance she got. Now she's much more contented and domesticated, but still occasionally savage...