Hmmhmm, things are shaping up this week. Finally got a little slice of time today to begin looking at a research question for my Honours project.. and I realized the scope of my topic is huge! It's supposed to examine doctor-patient communication especially with regards to children with chronic illness, but there are so many angles I can tackle the topic from.E.g.,
- effect of good doctor-patient communication on children's emotional adaptation
- effect on treatment adherence (measured perhaps by parents' measurement of how consistently they administer medication according to the instructions, or number of follow-up visits etc)
- effect on parents' emotional adaptation
- hardest to study: effect of good patient-doctor relationship on the course of illness itself!
I think I might stick to children with cancer, as I am already doing a project on them. However, the number of subjects I can access may be quite small, so... might have to include other kinds of illnesses as well.
Anyway, the good thing is I'm coming up with ideas! Yay! =)