Monday, February 27, 2006

Finally Together

Finally Together
Originally uploaded by Phuazzie.

The first 4/13 gathering in what seems like a long time. A great, laid-back evening of light food and oily snacks (yay for Hello Panda!), cool music and cool people talking rot and catching up. It's been shudderingly long since we were actually part of the same class, but memories die hard, and we're still forging new ones together every day. And it's nice to see that some things don't change - like Alma's ditzy-isms! Ha! Ok, I'm not that quick on the uptake either. Email me if you want the rest of the pics!


At Mon Feb 27, 01:25:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger sternstadt said...

I hope you tagged the photos as friends only, because some photos are really not flattering (I include myself in this estimation). Would be better if you emailed to those people who want it.

At Thu Mar 30, 10:08:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger zyn said...

can't see the photos on flickr... can email me? fionacchan at gmail. i look weird in the one on your blog. braces suck.


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