Monday, November 14, 2005

Jolie's Lips Are Redder Than the Sun

Recently I watched Beyond Borders. It's one of the most pointless movies ever and I wonder which producer supported it being made in the first place. Not even Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen could save it from meandering crap-ness.

Basically, Clive Owen plays a guerilla doctor-without-borders, as in he's a one-man act, healing and feeding the sick and dying in developing nations while terrorising international non-governmental organizations who ignore the needs of those he represents. Angelina Jolie sees one of his righteous outbursts and her knees melt basically. While her marriage crumbles (which is defined in two scenes, one of the two of them arguing, and one of her finding the hubby at home in the middle of a workday, sitting on the sofa with another woman, she flits off to help him save the world and all that jazz. But finally, he sells himself out to the CIA to get his refugee camp funded and gets kidnapped by big bad guys in Chechnya (from Ethiopia to Chechnya?? what the...) and Angelina flies there to save the day! There are a lot of almost-Lara Croft moments where she tells him to Get up! and move out and all that, but finally she sacrifices her life for him. But it's not really a sacrifice - she steps on a landmine and explodes herself before he can reach her and die as well.
**end spoilers**

Grr. It doesn't succeed either as a romance or a drama. Also, the scenes in Ethiopia, Cambodia and Chechnya are one-dimensional and serve only to justify the notion that "it's the same crap everywhere". The one good thing about the show is that it does highlight the invisible plight of millions in poverty-stricken or war-torn nations. Many of us feel powerless in the face of overwhelming statistics such as the number of children dying every minute from preventable diseases such as cholera and measles, but we can and should make a difference, one cent at a time. I'm going to find out how in the next couple of weeks, and keep it posted on this blog. Heh.

By the way, I hate husband stealers. Of any kind.


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